For the past few days the social media is buzzing with the wedding news of Hamza Ali Abbasi of fame Pyare Afzal. Hamza started his career with TV and after doing a few projects moved to the big screen, he is not only famous for the work he did on screen but his claim to fame is from his extremely vocal socio-political and religious views especially on social media, he is seldom politically correct and gets a lot of bashing for his opinions. This week he was again in the news for posts about his wedding announcement to Naimal Khawaar. His long post about “Platonic Relationships” has been the topic of the grape wine. His definition of Halal relationship was a bit bizarre and was so not needed in the wedding announcement. Many bashed him for being self righteous or holier than thou. Some called it a publicity stunt, which often the people in the media are accused off. On August 25 th 2019, the social media was again highlighting his beau...
This blog is a mixture of my feelings, thoughts and a few rants.