So what’s the big deal about Divorce that makes it such an enigmatic human experience? simply put divorce is the ending of a very sacred relationship and it is at the very least a sad and at worst a traumatic affair. Then why is that the society generally tends to console the affected parties; with almost no empathy. A virtual lack of understanding, tendency to judge and attach stigmas leaves the one who has gone through the breakup isolated in most cases. Perhaps most people can relate easily to life setbacks such as death and disease even without actually experiencing them. They do have a general feel and idea of what one is suffering through. Divorce, however, remains a strange and alien territory. As a result many a times, even with best of intentions at heart, the way we support a person recently exposed to this trial ends up becoming a trial in itself for the poor soul. Sounds too far fetched and over sensitive? Let’s take a look at some of the Divorce dialogues aroun...
This blog is a mixture of my feelings, thoughts and a few rants.