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Showing posts from June, 2020

SUJOOD: a different love story

T he  # secret  of  # prayer   # Sujood As believers , we all have always, wanted a prayer that is accepted in front of the Creator. A prayer that brings us closer to Allah SWT and a prayer that is answered by the Lord of the worlds. What is that one secret prayer..... Well the secret of such prayer is in Sujood (Prostration) Ibn Al-Qayyim described the sujood as the secret of prayer, the greatest pillar, and the seal of the rukoo’. The Prophet ﷺ said: أَقْرَبُ مَا يَكُونُ الْعَبْدُ مِنْ رَبِّهِ وَهُوَ سَاجِدٌ “The closest that a servant is to his Lord is when he is in prostration.” (Muslim) The more you humble yourself and go into sujood, the closer you are getting to Allah; and indeed, He elevates you. The Prophet ﷺ said: من تواضع لله رفعه “Whoever humbles himself before Allah, Allah will elevate him.” (Muslim) This is why, whenever the Prophet ﷺ received something that pleased him, he would immediately prostrate to Allah in thanks. All...

Child birthing women need Compassion

Ertuğrul Season 3 .... an episode that shows the birth difficulties of a mother (Halime giving birth to her  # 2nd  child ) . I was surprised to see that where the women of the house and the midwives were helping the child birthing mother in privacy. The Husband and other men of her family were showing support outside the room, praying for her ease. The husband (Ertuğrul) would go inside the room asking for permission at the door to  hold the hand of his wife, to kiss her forehead infront of the other women, making dua and showing support. The expression on his face was I feel your pain. He then leaves his wife for a war to defeat the enemies. The episode beautifully shows the struggle of believing men and women. If men have various roles, women on the other hand have a very difficult role of giving birth to their children... What is that we learn from the islamic tradition depicted in this play: ◇ The whole family is to show support to a woman who is g...