Set in a wadeera culture backdrop, the story starts off with a bizarre marraige between the two, despite their obvious dislike for each other. The plot revolved around the 'so-called chemistry' that was the consummation of marriage between the two
. Since Meerab had Murtasim sign a contract (handwritten, torn a paper from a register, if it qualifies as a contract that is) to not consummate the marraige and the rich wadeera despite all the wealth
sleeps on the couch day in and day out.

To cut the long story short,eyebrow the play has an annoying sound track that plays after every spoken dialogue or every gesture of the eye brow.
#Meerab played by Yumna Zaidi displays all possible toxicity (badtameezi)in the story and the nation's heartthrob #murtasim played by Wahaaj Ali desires for her attention and love, despite her toxic rage. The clichéd "maa begum" played by bushra ansari (waste of her talent) and her daughter maryam (naand of meerab) along with a plethora of other characters that were used in the story for various reasons.
The story takes its viewers through a bizarre situation of kidnapping , black magic, ex- reappearing from the past, to jealousy, fake pregnancy news and the eloping of the naand. However, the viewers held on to the play hoping Murtasim and Meerab would soon kiss and make up towards a 'happy ending' (in all its meanings

However, last nights episode
insulted the patience & loyalty of the viewers. The writing and production team took an absolutely bizarre turn when they showed all limits of toxic femininity and masculinity on screen. The characters in the episode went beyond all limits of civility by slapping, spitting on each other's faces, and, most shockingly, suggesting marital rape.

Just when the play was about to wrap up into something, the team decided to take it to the dungeons. Which was both sad and questionable for the television screen.
#terebin team should apologize to the audience for #glamarizing #abuse in the name of romance. This kind of content reaches every household and all age groups are watching it. They are portraying abuse between partners as a lover's quarrel, setting a trend. No, no
.... abuse is abuse, it should not be mistaken for anything else. We should not glamorize toxicity, regardless of which partner it comes from. Lastly, we should uphold the sanctity of the institution of marriage in our plays. #terebinnewepisode #terebin what a waste of a screen play that had a lot of potential.

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